Fluid Mechanics Consultant

We use computational techniques in fluid mechanics to understand why systems are behaving a certain way, or how they will behave.


  • Blast Loading
  • Boundary Layer
  • Dynamic Loading
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Laminar Flow
  • Noise
  • Vibration
  • Solid Particle Flow
  • Flow Induced Vibration
  • Turbulent Flow
  • Compressible Flow
  • Two-phase
  • Lift
  • Drag
  • Wind Loading


Fluid mechanics is the branch of continuum mechanics that studies the behavior of materials that do not have shear capacity. It is a study of the behavior of fluids at rest and in motion. It considers the properties of fluids and their effects on the resulting flow patterns, in addition to the forces acting between the fluid and its boundaries. From Archimedes in ancient Greece, who studied fluid statics and buoyancy, to the works of Bernoulli, Euler and Navier-Stokes, fluid mechanics has a rich history of closed-form solutions. With the relatively recent introduction of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the ability to evaluate complex geometries and boundary conditions has been extended to cover most every system that is found in a manufacturing facility or component. We use these mathematical tools to both explain observed phenomena and to predict expected future behaviors.